Church Growth Magazine is dedicated to helping church leaders reach their communities. “Increasing in all things to Jesus, the head.” Ephesians 4:15
Welcome to Church Growth Magazine, a monthly digital publication to help church leaders implement vision and reach communities to fulfill the Great Commission.
Our article contributors provide proven and practical solutions to grow in every way – to attract and keep members, grow as a leader and as a church team, increase giving and reduce debt, build an army of volunteers, and more.
Our community is made up of more than 100,000 dedicated, Christ-following leaders, including senior pastors and church staffers, whether employed for pay or unpaid volunteers. We welcome every Christian stream all the way from mainline denominations to non-denominational to unconventional. And we welcome you.
I invite you to join our online community of church innovators and forward-thinkers who are not content with how the world is today but are passionate about growing strong churches that produce healthy Christians.
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Or, if you just want to read creative articles by experienced leaders, we invite you to do just that. And if you have a comment about it, click here.
Welcome to Church Growth Magazine. We’re glad you’re here.
Joann Cole Webster

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