You may be sitting on the fence about opportunities to earn money for the church outside of special offerings and fund-raisers.

After all, who has time to chase down every idea brought to you while you’re already slammed with the demands of sermon or lesson prep, services and meetings to attend, and the many interactions each week with people who need your attention?

And yet, while one element of church growth is people, the other is certainly funding. And God cares about both. That’s why he talked so much about people and money in his word.

Imagine if writing a few words, gathering a bit of information, or calling a couple of guys could save or earn thousands of dollars for your church.

If it did, would you do it?

If you answer “yes,” here are three big ideas:


If you’re old enough to remember the phrase “what would Jesus do?” you may have figured out that a better phrase is, “Do what Jesus did.” Jesus ministered to men. Right? And yet, while virtually all churches have a children’s program, and most have women’s programs, few conduct a thriving ministry to men.

Our friends at Christian Men’s Network have, over the past forty years, discovered that a church that begins to minister to men will, on average, receive a 20% boost in income and a boost in volunteers and church attendance. Christian Men’s Network has a “men’s ministry in a box” solution for you called a “Launch Kit.” You can get it here.

You take out the three-ring binder, read the first pages yourself, then divide the rest between your men. If your team follows the guidelines, you’ll see a significant increase without wearing yourself out by adding “one more program.” You can read more about it in this article.

ERC (Employment Retention Credit)

The federal government has subtly acknowledged the ill effects on churches in 2020 and 2021 by giving churches some funding. If you had to shut down your church in 2020 and/or 2021 to comply with government mandates, you might be eligible for financial awards, not loans, of upwards of $26,000 per employee—even if you already received PPP.

No, it’s not a scam.

CGM friends have successfully served hundreds of churches, gaining hundreds of thousands of dollars for their coffers. To learn more about it, click on this link. Depending on your record-keeping, providing the necessary information takes less than a half hour, and the results could be huge. You can read more about it in this article, click here.


American Church Loans was begun by a pastor who wanted to get the best interest rates for his church building program. As he studied it, he discovered that not only could his church get the best rates, but he saw a way to help any church receive the lowest interest rates for building.

If building is in your future, you can save thousands, or hundreds of thousands, by allowing ACL to help you find your funding. Contact them by clicking on this link. Mike Beckerat, a minister who has worked with hundreds of pastors for years, will call you back.

This is great information, isn’t it? Here it is again:

Build men, build churches by clicking here.
Secure government funds FREE here.
Receive the best interest rates for your building project here.

By the way, CGM doesn’t receive any money from you for your subscription or from CMN or the ERC program. We’re happy just with the satisfaction of helping churches grow. ACL will give the magazine a small bonus when a church works with them, which allows CGM to continue to help tens of thousands of church leaders entirely FREE.


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