In a world where Christianity seems to be on the decline, filmmaker Tim Chey is on a mission to ignite a revival through the power of cinema. His latest project, "The Firing Squad," set to hit theaters on August 2nd, promises to be more than just a movie – it's a call to action for Christians everywhere.

Based on actual events, "The Firing Squad" tells the story of three Christian prisoners facing execution in a third-world country. Against all odds, they manage to win an entire prison camp to Christ. It's a tale of unwavering faith, redemption, and the Gospel's power to transform even in the darkest places.

"We're trying to win 1 million people to Jesus," Chey shares enthusiastically. "It's a Billy Graham crusade-type movie."

Starring Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding Jr. and Christian film veteran Kevin Sorbo, the movie boasts star power that Chey hopes will draw audiences beyond the church crowd. Interestingly, Chey reveals that Gooding Jr. accepted Christ on set during filming. "This is the second movie I've done with Cuba," Chey explains. "Cuba was a different guy than I directed in 2023. We're not talking 'show me the money' anymore. It's 'show me Jesus.'"

The Firing Squad Behind The Scenes

For pastors and church leaders, "The Firing Squad" presents a unique opportunity for outreach and evangelism. Chey believes that Christian movies can be powerful tools for ministry. "Many pastors have told me that Christian movies have brought many people to Christ in their church," he says. "They do screenings at their church. They buy out theaters. They invite the whole neighborhood, the whole community."

To support these efforts, the movie's producers are offering free resources to churches looking to promote the film. These materials, available for download, help engage congregations and communities with the movie's themes. Access the downloads HERE.

Chey's passion for evangelism is contagious, and he is driven by the state of Christianity in America, citing statistics about its decline. "According to religious news service, we're the fastest declining Christianity in the world, United States," he states. And it's very sad. I don't want us to become like Europe."

But rather than despair, Chey sees this as a call to action. He challenges church leaders to recommit to the Great Commission. "We're just too mega busy with our lives as Christians. And we're not putting the Great Commission first," he argues. Otherwise, we wouldn't have half of the problems that we have."

Chey believes engaging with culture through media is crucial for reaching younger generations. "The Apostle Paul said, 'I become all things to all men,'" he reminds us. "We've got to reach them anywhere and everywhere we can. We've got to uphold the name of Jesus."

"The Firing Squad" doesn't shy away from difficult themes. It tackles issues of persecution, faith under pressure, and the reality of martyrdom. However, Chey assures that the film maintains a PG-13 rating, balancing realism with sensitivity. 

The movie's production itself seems touched by divine providence. Chey recounts how they miraculously found an abandoned prison in America that perfectly resembled Indonesian and Thai prisons, saving them from expensive overseas filming. "That was a sign from God," Chey says, "'cause my wife doesn't want to travel anymore. We've gone to 40 countries, and as ex-missionaries, we don't want to do that."

For Chey, this film is more than entertainment—it's a wake-up call to the church. He challenges pastors to increase their focus on evangelism and discipleship. "I think we do need a Bible-thumping movie," he states unapologetically. We do need a movie that says you're going to hell without accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. The world, and sadly in many churches, hell is being erased. So, we've got to show the other side."

As the August 2nd release date approaches, Chey hopes "The Firing Squad" will spark conversations, conversions, and a renewed commitment to sharing the Gospel. He envisions churches using the film as a community outreach and discipleship springboard.

Tickets for "The Firing Squad" are available now through major theater chains and online ticketing platforms. The movie's official website offers more information and resources for churches interested in organizing group viewings or using the film for ministry.

In a media landscape often hostile to faith, "The Firing Squad" stands as a beacon of uncompromising Christian storytelling. It reminds us of the power of film to touch hearts, change lives, and even spark a revival.

As Chey puts it, "We all have a death sentence. Life goes by like a rocket." In light of this sobering reality, he hopes "The Firing Squad" will inspire viewers to live with urgency, sharing the hope of Christ with a world in desperate need.

Will you answer the call? "The Firing Squad" opens in theaters nationwide on August 2nd. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a movement that could change hearts, transform lives, and grow the Kingdom of God.

To learn more about Tim Chey and his films, go HERE.

Ticket information is available by clicking HERE.

Church resources are available by clicking HERE.

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